Social Media and Learning

In the past three weeks, I spent a lot of time to discover and explore the new social media tools and the new features in the social media tools I used in my daily life. This class gives me an impetus to get out of my "social media" comfort zone.

I used to watch cooking, design and DIY tutorial videos, blogs, posts online. I discussed questioned on Zhihu, left and replied questions about academic hot points and trends on Sina Weibo. I did not realize I am part of social media learning environment.

Through the three weeks course learning, social media showed a different side in front of me. Social media as the platform facilitated me to produce and share contents via web2.0 internet-based applications. Besides the basic social and net work features, social media provide another possible way for me to learn. With the development of social media, learning can not only take place in a classroom or at a training center. Today, learning is no long location bond.

Social media can help instructor and educator in multiple ways. It can dissolve the barrier and increase interaction between the learners and instructors. It can support communities of learners and help students be aware of their learning process. Through the social media, I saw a lot of possibilities to improve the future instructional design.
