Instructional design with Game

I know, in this class, we should talk more related to the web 2.0 or social media. But I think game-based learning and design course with the game could be an interesting topic for you to read.

I want to give you some ideas about what is the game based learning at the beginning. I found a video on the YouTube, you can watch it below to get some basic ideas about what is the game based learning.

What is Game-based Learning?

With the smart phone booming, more and more apps were developed. Game apps, as one of the biggest and most valuable categories in the smart phone app market, has been paid high attention to by the high-tech companies. Besides smart phone games, PS4 and X-Box, these home video game eco system getting popular around the world. In recent years, VR brings a new whole game opportunity and experience for us. 

You may have one or two game apps on your smart phone, or maybe you are a gamer who fall in love with video games. Some research indicated that game is one of the most important reasons we spent a lot of time on the smart phone and electronic devices. We have to admit, the game brings a lot of fun to our life in some degree.

Today, the game is not only an entrainment lifestyle but also become an enjoyable built-in learning process. When education or training feels dull, we are not being engaged and motivated. In other words, we’re not actually learning. Learning means acquiring the skills and thought processes needed to respond appropriately under pressure, in a variety of situations. We need effective, interactive experiences that motivate and actively engage us in the learning process. Game-based learning can help us reach that goal.

A highly interactive gaming experience is something that many learners are already comfortable with. They can proceed at their own pace and get immediate feedback on their progress. In a game-based environment, learners work towards a set goal. In a risk-free setting environment, we don't need to worried about making mistakes, we actively learn and practice the right way to do things.

A Chinese proverb says: "Tell me, and I'll forget. Show me, and I may remember. Involve me, and I'll understand." With the development of game-based learning, I believe more and more institutional design will engage with game based setting or relative element. 

Do you like game based learning? As an instructional designer, do you want to design your project involved with some game elements or process?  Leaving your comments below to let me know:)
