Reflection of Personal Learning Network

There is a famous Chinese idiom "friends attracted to each other by mutual tastes," and I believe this two thousand years ago idiom vivid describe the nature of our modern popular notion "Personal Learning Network."

According to Wikipedia, the PLN is an informal learning network that consists of the people a learner interacts with and derives knowledge from in a PLE. In a PLN, a person makes a connection with another person with the specific intent that some type of learning will occur because of that regard.

"Personal Learning Networks can be described as 1.0 and 2.0. In the 1.0 stage, participants are mainly consumers of information. In the 2.0, stage participants are actually producing/creating information." According to Lisa Nielsen. This viewpoint reminds me of another notion - "Produsage." More or less, we all carried "Produsage" tag living in the 2.0 era. "Produsage" and "PLN" are co-operating as indivisible parts of one whole.

Although I don't know who created "PLN" entry in the Wikipedia, this guy has already become a part of my PLNs. No matter we did directly interact with or not, as long as we share the same intent, the network has established. In this case, the creator provides the primary inspirations to me about the notion we both noticed; but I may able to edit the entry once I found the better explanation or definition. I believe the creator will get notice if I successful edit the content. This process is not the way to create PLN, but it is the way to enhance the performance of PLN. 

With the development of web 2.0, we can build our PLN incredibly stronger than ever before. Web 2.0 not only help us to explore widely different viewpoints on the same challenge but also broadens and deepens our learning ability. 

I would love tag each of my PLNs and archives them into a dependent folder. Because I may find viewpoints in one question from different platforms, but I would like to place all the perspectives from various platforms under one PLN folder. You can name your tag like "instructional design" or "web 2.0". But if you would like to break the tag down into a smaller concept, that's fine, it all depends on your personal preference. Tags did help me to better understand and cooperate with PLNs instead of getting confused by its concept. 

So don't let the concept restrict your mind, just find out what you actually want to learn and where your passion is. Eventually, your PLNs will help not only you but also people who share the same curiosity with you to become better!


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