Produsage Project

Alright, our professor launched a challenge at Twitter - #eme6414 challenge. So, in this challenge, we need to blog about our plan for produsage project, tweet the URL and give each other feedbacks. I accepted this challenge. So, let's get started!

So I want to create an informal learning environment and performance support system for my "learner." I would prefer to call them "friend" than "learner." A Chinese proverb said: in the company of three, one always can find a teacher. In my informal learning environment, my friends will be able to learn from each other and teach each other.

My idea is to create a local trail running community for my friends on Slack. The purpose of this group is to help local (Tully) trail running lover find a place to share their running experience, improve running skills, find running partner, join trail running contest, and make friends.

The anchor platform of my community would be Slack. Residents would be able to find all the notifications, posts, documents and almost everything in the Slack. I will create different channels for residents to discuss and share their skills. Based on their running abilities, different channels will focus on the different topics in aim to help residents to improve their abilities better.

The secondary platforms would mainly focus on Google Map, Twitter, IFTTT, Nike+, GroupMe, Instagram. Google Map is used to share and create trail routes, members would be able to add layers to the base map to create the new routes for the community. The community will vote and choose the route for residents to run and for the contest. Twitter, Instagram will be the places for residents to post and record their running activities and community events. IFTTT, Nike+, and GroupMe will work together to record running route, share running data to the residents.

Through joining this community, residents will be able to beat weekly or monthly goals, break the personal best record, learn running skills and equipment knowledge, and how to plan and set up a route on google map.

The Slack link has posted below, anyone can use this link to join the group and see how it is working.

So what do you think? Please leave your comments below, thank you!


  1. This sounds really cool Johnny! Will it be based in Tallahassee? I would love to participate. It will also give me a chance to get some experience with Slack.


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