
Showing posts from July, 2017

What a Wonderful Summer

Endless lightning, afternoon raining, crazy AC bill, heat and humid, everything around me reminds me this is the dog days of summer in Florida. Moving around the corner, the final week on the way, and everything looks like mixed up together. I suffer, sweat and exhausted, but I believe I will be the survivor like a hero in the movie. This class gave me a lot of opportunities to play and discover web 2.0 tools and social media features. And also brought a lot of new experiences for me. In the discussion board, we talked a lot of different topics related to the social media and web 2.0. Different perspectives, ideas, and points from classmates were always blown my mind. Through RSS, I was able to track almost every classmates' posts. Everyone has its own style and different point of interest, I can find a lot of fresh views through reading posts. Every week, I can play with different new web 2.0 and social media tools. Some of them are totally new to me. I can learn how to use th

Designing for International Learners

I am an Instructional Designer, and I am also an International learner. I believe these identities allowed me to share my experience here with you about what should be considered in designing for International learners. First of all, we should consider their culture, history, political, and religion background. For example, if we design a course inserted some pattern or symbol which has bad means in some religions. That will hurt the learners. Secondly, we should consider what their learning styles and techniques are? Different country and region's learner have the different mix of learning styles preference. Based on their age, gender, growth environment, educational background and so on. The student has developed a learning mechanism that most suitable for themselves. Some learner prefers to learn combined words and pictures, but some may like voice and animation combination more. We should design for them based on which combination would be most suitable for them The last

Produsage Project

Alright, our professor launched a challenge at Twitter - #eme6414 challenge. So, in this challenge, we need to blog about our plan for produsage project, tweet the URL and give each other feedbacks. I accepted this challenge. So, let's get started! So I want to create an informal learning environment and performance support system for my "learner." I would prefer to call them "friend" than "learner." A Chinese proverb said: in the company of three, one always can find a teacher. In my informal learning environment, my friends will be able to learn from each other and teach each other. My idea is to create a local trail running community for my friends on Slack. The purpose of this group is to help local (Tully) trail running lover find a place to share their running experience, improve running skills, find running partner, join trail running contest, and make friends. The anchor platform of my community would be Slack. Residents would be able to

How I feel about IFTTT

I found IFTTT at the week 5 tool resources folder. Instructor suggests us to write a blog to share the experience with IFTTT. So, here is how I feel about IFTTT. IFTTT is a web-based application and also an app can run on ios and Andrew platform that allowed people to create chains of simple conditional statements which called applets. An applet is triggered by changes that occur within other web services such as Gmail, Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest. IFTTT is an initialism for If This Then That. Before I tried IFTTT, I actually used another similar function app on my iPhone for a long time, which it called "Workflow". So if you enjoy your experience with IFTTT so far. I highly recommend you to play with "Workflow" on your iPhone, because "Workflow" will brings a new experience to you. To be honest, I think I like IFTTT a litter bit more for several reasons. First of all, with IFTTT, I set up my “recipes” to run automatically without even thin

Instructional design with Game

I know, in this class, we should talk more related to the web 2.0 or social media. But I think game-based learning and design course with the game could be an interesting topic for you to read. I want to give you some ideas about what is the game based learning at the beginning. I found a video on the YouTube, you can watch it below to get some basic ideas about what is the game based learning. What is Game-based Learning? With the smart phone booming, more and more apps were developed. Game apps, as one of the biggest and most valuable categories in the smart phone app market, has been paid high attention to by the high-tech companies. Besides smart phone games, PS4 and X-Box, these home video game eco system getting popular around the world. In recent years, VR brings a new whole game opportunity and experience for us.  You may have one or two game apps on your smart phone, or maybe you are a gamer who fall in love with video games. Some research indicated that game

Social Media 2.0 & ID2.0

"2.0" seems to has become an indispensable element in this era.  Social media 2.0 blew our mind, changed our lives, and broaden the learning methods. Now, instructional design 2.0  (ID2.0)  may have changed our working routine or must-have skills quietly. ID 2.0 is the concept established beyond the social media 2.0, it more related to the social learning. Why should we need to pay some attentions to the ID 2.0 and social learning? Because, today, social learning has become an indispensable part of our daily life.  Social learning is all around us every day, from Facebook message conversations to ask your classmates for an opinion.  Social media 2.0 era provides us a lot of tools which allowed us to engage with learners, provide opportunities, and working in learning space in ways we never could before. It enables social learning to happen on a large scale.  In the past three weeks, I have been played with a lot of tools. I use  Google+  to participate in a social-media

Social Media and Learning

In the past three weeks, I spent a lot of time to discover and explore the new social media tools and the new features in the social media tools I used in my daily life. This class gives me an impetus to get out of my "social media" comfort zone. I used to watch cooking, design and DIY tutorial videos, blogs, posts online. I discussed questioned on Zhihu, left and replied questions about academic hot points and trends on Sina Weibo. I did not realize I am part of social media learning environment. Through the three weeks course learning, social media showed a different side in front of me. Social media as the platform facilitated me to produce and share contents via web2.0 internet-based applications. Besides the basic social and net work features, social media provide another possible way for me to learn. With the development of social media, learning can not only take place in a classroom or at a training center. Today, learning is no long location bond. Social med

Design course with Edmodo

Discovered Edmodo The largest, fastest growing social platform for education I discovered the week 4 folder yesterday and found a new Learning Management System - Edmodo. I know most of us may be more familiar with Blackboard LMS or Canvas LMS. And so do I, this is the first time I heard about this LMS. Actually, I'm really interested in the LMS. I didn't have much experience with LMS before I joined the master program two years ago at FSU. Besides that, as we may know, FSU start to use a new LMS Canvas to replace the old one - blackboard. I think this is a great opportunity for me to experience the joys of being an online instructor. I always want to try the teacher's version of Blackboard, but I didn't get a chance to be a TA. So I decide to use Edmodo to design my own course for this week's knowledge sharing/Tracking project. Yes, Edmodo is not a very traditional LMS. It positioned itself as a social platform. The home paper has a little bit fa

Can the OER help more people without the internet?

We all know Open Educational Resources (OER) is a hot topic in the recent education field. In 2001 MIT announced a bold initiative to publicly share its course materials – lecture notes, problem sets, syllabi, exams, and video lectures – with the world. This unique initiative enables the open sharing of MIT teaching materials with educators, enrolled students, and self-learners around the world.  This movement inspired a lot of institutions and organizations to join this spectacular education carnival. They open and share their "best" resources to the world, and give the world a strong signal of beautiful and bright future with the idea of equal education.  I know the vision looks marvelous and incredible, it really can help to make education more equitable and fair. But, to be realistic, can the ORE help more people?  At my last year of college, which was also my internship year, I did become not only a high school physical educator but also joined a distance t

Some fresh ideas generated from discussion board

I participated several topics on the discussion board of this week. I noticed that the most posted topic is the "Intellectual property concerns." I guess, more or less, people have faced the concerns brought by the intellectual property. And so did I, then I decided to join this discussion as well. This forum topic helped me to generate some fresh ideas. Yihan Zheng, she brought the "Plagiarism" concept into the discussion and also presented a viewpoint that the emphasis on the intellectual property is different between China and USA. I think this point of view is fascinating. I replied to the Yihan's post about my opinion. Just like John Mitchell, Stanford Computer Scientist and Vice Provost for Online Learning, emphasized: “If someone else wants to read some of my ideas or the outline of my course, that’s fine with me. But I don’t want them to copy it and claim it as their work. I think that whenever there is material on the web, you have this issue of pl

Protect your Personal Property is important in Web 2.0 era!

I know this week we should focus on intellectual property. But some bad news happened in my friends prompted me to write this blog. I know the intellectual property is important in Web 2.0 era, but I want to say so your personal property is more important! We are all aware that Facebook, Craigslist, Oodle, etc. are platforms where you can buy and sell junk, find free stuff, post your yard sale ads and so on. Maybe those platforms look like can bring you a lot of convenient and sure they did, but those platforms can also bring hidden danger to you. My friend was robbed in his apartment this morning. The criminal shoved a handgun to his head, ordered him to hand over his MacBook and PS4. When he told me his news, I was shocked in front of my laptop which showed the websites I just browsed. I asked him about the reason why and how the criminal can get his apartment and property information. He told me, he was trying to sell some stuff he does not want any longer. All his stuff infor

Intellectual Property under the era of Web 2.0

Web 2.0 not only brings new network and life experience for us; but also brings a new problem for the protection of intellectual property rights. In short years, Web 2.0 has not only become a significant web service platform; it more becomes a lifestyle embedded in our daily life. Blog, broadcast, P2P, Google, eBay, Facebook, MySpace...... Under the direction of core concepts between "share" and "interaction." The concepts generated by human interaction has created a closer and knowledge-based society structure in the Internet space. At the meanwhile, web 2.0 which brought by the advanced of technologies and comprehensive renovation also has faced the unprecedented challenge. Because of the available platform provided by Web 2.0, the violation of intellectual property rights may be more frequent than ever before. Due to many of its participants, the number of potential infringers increasing in geometric progression and its distribution is more dispersed; those p

Reflection of Personal Learning Network

There is a famous Chinese idiom "friends attracted to each other by mutual tastes," and I believe this two thousand years ago idiom vivid describe the nature of our modern popular notion "Personal Learning Network." Acc ording to Wikipedia, the PLN is an informal learning network that consists of the people a learner interacts with and derives knowledge from in a PLE. In a PLN, a person makes a connection with another person with the specific intent that some type of learning will occur because of that regard. "Personal Learning Networks can be described as 1.0 and 2.0. In the 1.0 stage, participants are mainly consumers of information. In the 2.0, stage participants are actually producing/creating information."  According to Lisa Nielsen. This viewpoint reminds me of another notion - "Produsage." More or less, we all carried "Produsage" tag living in the 2.0 era. "Produsage" and "PLN" are co-operating as indivi

Don't let social media overly influence your excise emotion

We all know that exercise is good for your health. That is no great secret. As the person who earned the undergraduate degree in physical education major and used to be a personal trainer, I believe I gained a greater awareness of the need for physical and mental fitness.  But with the development of social media, no matter you noticed or not, our personal excise activities have been subtly influenced by social media.  I am pretty sure you have seen some "Devil killer body" pictures on your social media at least one time. Or maybe you have read articles or posts some like "The best personal training plan ever,""How to lose 10 pounds in two weeks", these kinds of titles. People who title them as "fitness expert" always post their hot body pictures on Instagram to attracting more followers or "show off" their perfect fitness plan or records on twitter, youtube or facebook to get more "likes." Although those posts perh

Chat App to Mobile Commerce

No cash? No credit? No wallet? That's not a problem at all. As long as you have your smartphone, your "WeChat" app, and your "WeChat wallet" connected with your bank account information; then you are ready to go.  WeChat is a Chinese social media mobile application software developed by Tencent company, which originally designed to send text messages, hold-to-talk voice message, video conferencing, video games, sharing of photographs and videos and location sharing. But now,  WeChat users who provided bank account information are able to pay bills, order goods and services, transfer money to other users and pay in stores if the warehouse has WeChat payment options. In China, we have the tradition to hand out "Red Packet" to family and friends  and offer their best wishes  during the big festival or special date. We used to put cash in the red packet, but now we just need finger swipes on the screen, our family and friends can receive "Red Pack

4th of July, Nationalism and Social Media

I went to the Aaron Bessant Park, Panama City yesterday for the so called the greatest 4th of July firework show in the gulf coast area. The Aaron Bessant Park was decorated with flags, banners, and other decorations embedded with the elements of national flag's colors. People who joined this great celebration equipped with national flag colors' face painting, national elements' cloth, national elements' garniture, and, of course, their smartphone. From two hours before Panama City Firework Show until the party was over. People kept twittering, posting pictures on Instagram, texting on the Facebook, sending messages, and hosting live stream. No matter what they were doing, there was only one topic that is "4th of July". I noticed that people were creating a magnificent carnival embedded with nationalism at social media in that 3 hours firework show party. Whenever and wherever you are, with your phone or other appliance which is online available; as long a

MOOCs, E-learning, and Instructional Designer

In general, MOOC was considered a significant step forward by many active learners because it enables more learners to recognize the outside world and provides learners with an opportunity to explore different subjects.  I think the reform of many teaching methods cannot improve the students' learning effect. For example, MOOCs, for the people who have high learning ability or the active learning ability, it provides more opportunities and choices. But for the learner who lacks learning ability and learning enthusiasm, their ability to tackle transformation is limited, in this kind of change is more be taken by surprise. And it is more different for those people to pay their attention to online material and instruction. A recent edX study on student attention spans, which it pegged at 6.5 minutes. Many students believe “they are the world’s best multi-taskers,” according to Stanford President John L. Hennessy, but “in fact, they aren’t very good at it.” If online education is t