Begin “Blog Story”

Hi, Welcome to Johnny's "Summer C 2017 Blog."

I am so happy that I have a chance to get back to this fantastic social media tool again! Because I remember the last time I use blog was like 12 years ago!!! I want to share a story about blog and me today with you.

I can still remember the first blog I created was on the "Sina" website. "Sina blog" is just a collective name which people who they set up their blog on the Sina' blog site. There's no doubt, at that time, "Sina blog" was the most popular blog site in China. But today, along with the rise of the web 2.0 and social media, “Sina blog" and other blog sites has gradually faded from our view.

The reason why I created that blog is that my mom was a journalist, she was always on the cutting edge of the social media trend. When blog came into China, my mom thought that would be an excellent opportunity to generate a new mean of communication for her company. My mom told me about her idea and invited me to set up a blog with she to record our daily life as an experiment. I had to say; the test was successful. More and more people in our community set up their blogs followed our footsteps. Automatically, my mom became the one who in charge of her company's official blog. So proud of her!

That's my story about blog and me. And now, I should go to call my mom and tell her the exciting news that I will blog again.

Thank you, EME6414. Can't wait to discover more with you this summer!
Jun 26th, 10:25 pm, Set up my blog at Dirac Library


  1. Awesome story Johnny! Good to see that you are in this class too. I am looking forward to seeing your blog posts. I just set my blog up this morning too at if you want to connect and stay up to date on each other's posts. Here's to a good semester!

  2. Welcome back to blogging, Johnny. What types of things did you write about on your Sina blog? Was it just daily life, like a diary, or did you establish a different voice there?

    1. It was just like a family diary; we published our family recipes, the pics of a plant growing process... We just focused on the little, insignificant things. But we still got a lot of fun.


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